Heavily influenced by Doyle?s growing belief in Spiritualism after the death of his son, brother, and two nephews in World War I, the book focuses on Edward Malone?s at first professional, and later personal interest in Spiritualism. This is the third and last novel in the ?Professor Challenger?...
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?The Poison Belt?, a novella by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is remarkable in that we, with the central characters, are permitted to witness what seems to be a global apocalypse, while enduring only minimal emotional fall out. Professor Challenger urgently summons his fellow explorers (Professor...
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The final, and certainly climactic, adventure of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?s Professor George Edward Challenger is 1928?s ?When the World Screamed?. It is another Professor Challenger story where a new craziness pressures him to make the earth feel the existence of human being on its surface....
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The people of the small town of Tamfield are not used to exciting things happening. When millionaire Raffles Haw moves to town, rumors spread like wildfire about him. When his home is overtaken by workmen and strange boxes are seen coming and going, it only adds to the intrigue. Robert and Laura...
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Mystery of the Cloomber unfolds, revealing Heathstone?s war crime against a Buddhist priest. Narrated by John Fothergill West, a Scottish man, who moves from Edinburgh to Wigtownshire to care for the family estate when his father?s half brother dies. Near the estate is The Cloomber Hall, for years...
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?The Disintegration Machine? is a story featuring Doyle?s famous character Professor Challenger. It was first published in The Strand Magazine in January 1929. The story centers on the discovery of a machine capable of disintegrating objects and reforming them as they were. This short story is a...
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The restless, questing intellect of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle spurred him far beyond the ingenious puzzles he constructed for Sherlock Holmes. Arthur Conan Doyle?s ?The Lost World? focuses on a story about an expedition in the South American Rainforest, leading its four protagonists on a plateau which...
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Zaniedbane domostwo na odludziu to miejsce, które jak żadne inne potrafi pobudzić wyobraźnię. Opuszczoną posiadłość, Cloomber Hall, zamieszkuje ekscentryczny generał John Berthier Heatherstone. Mężczyzna od początku czegoś się boi, stroni od towarzystwa, nocami w domu nie gasną światła. Wszystko...
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Książka w dwóch wersjach językowych: polskiej i angielskiej. A dual Polish-English language edition. Challenger wysyła telegramy z prośbą do swoich trzech towarzyszy z „Zaginionego Świata" - Edwarda Malone, Lorda Johna Roxtona i profesora Summerlee - o dołączenie do niego w jego domu pod Londynem i...
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Książka w dwóch wersjach językowych: polskiej i angielskiej. A dual Polish-English language edition. Książka opowiada o przygodach grupy podróżników uwięzionych na położonym w Ameryce Południowej tajemniczym płaskowyżu, całkowicie odizolowanym od świata. Specyficzne położenie sprawia, że na...
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Książka w dwóch wersjach językowych: polskiej i angielskiej. A dual Polish-English language edition. „Kraina mgieł" jest trzecią z cyklu książką opowiadającą o perypetiach profesora Challengera, jego współtowarzysza dziennikarza Malone'a i miłośnika przygód lorda Roxtona, których można było...
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